Friday, April 18, 2008

Is Pet Insurance For You?

Pet insurance is perfect for owners who deeply love their pets and consider them part of their family, like children. Pet insurance is not a good investment for owners who do not have a strong emotional tie to their pet. So if you are willing to spend sufficient money to keep you pets healthy and extend their life, pet insurance is for you.
Each year 1 in 3 cats and dogs will be become injured or fall ill and the average cost of an emergency visit to the vet will be about $650 ( 300). As technologies improve, treatments are becoming more effective but more expensive. So if your beloved pet needs emergency medical treatment after an accident it could cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
The most common reasons to visit a vet are: BitesEar InfectionsCuts / LacerationsRoad Traffic Injuries AbscessSwallowing Foreign ObjectsA GrowthSkin allergies Urinary tract infectionsStomach Upsets
Pet insurance would cover all these common conditions and more, without costing you a fortune.
To see if pet insurance is for you, ask yourself how you would cope financially if the following situation happened in six months time. You pet is involved in a car accident and must be operated on immediately or they will die. The changes are very good after surgery that your pet will survive but the cost of saving your pet is around $5,000 ( 2,400).
What do you do?
Can you easily pay this amount with no worries? Will you somehow find, borrow or beg for the money, so you can save your furry friend? Or will you do what the majority of pet owners do when faced with this decision; allow their pet to be put down?
The problem most people have is they do no have access to large amount of money at short notice. They made be able to borrow or use credit, but with the large interest on these short-term loans can become another problem.
Let s assume that you were smart enough to have brought pet insurance. You do not have the added stress of, where will I get the money? Instead of facing a $5,000 ( 2,400) vet bill, you are only faced with a $100 ( 50) excess payment.
Let consider another scenario that will show the benefits of pet insurance. You pet has a small lump growing near their right shoulder. You consider taking your pet to the vet but after thinking about the costs you decide to wait.
A year later, the growth is a lot bigger and your pet is showing signs of discomforted. Finally you visit the vet and learn that you pet has advance stage of cancer. The treatment will be very expensive but since you waited so long the changes of a full recovery are only around 30%.
What would you do?
Let s assume again, that you are a wise pet owner and have pet insurance. You happily visit the vet when required since you are concerned about your pet s health not the cost.
After some tests, the vet informs you that your pet has some cancerous growth. Since you caught the cancer in the early stages, there is high probability your pet will make a full recovery. The costs are insignificant thanks to the pet insurance policy you purchased.
Pet insurance is designed to ease much of the financial risk and insecurity that caring for your pet can bring. Choosing the right insurance policy, enables you to keep your pets safe and healthy and leading a happy and active life.
Pet insurance like any insurance is something that is better to have and not need, then need and not have.
Grant Copland is the owner of For more information, advice and help with choosing the correct Pet Insurance for your pet Visit here forPet Insurance Advice now!

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